Saturday, June 23, 2007
12:06 AM
Erm yesterday did have loads of fun!!The trip was indeed a success!!I am so happy!!Glad they turn up man!!Organize more of this in future with my PI0704L gang.It was crazyness man!!took pictures too!!post up later at the bottom.Just now chat with Dennis,Edwin,Yvonne,Devon and many in the MSN.In fact,now still chatting.Dennis and Edwin they all was childish man.Arguing over small stuff which makes me laugh.
I am just kidding Dennis and Edwin when you saw this.No offences!!GEEs..Okay back here.
Wei Ting left early during the session.Left us few.Okay never mind,we continue singing.Sing till seven pm it is.Yvonne,Su Hui and Wei Ting singing was good.I am so shocked man.First time I have ever heard female friends of mine sing so well.And not missing out Dennis,Ben,Devon and Edwin.They are also the BEST man!!They brought Hell lots of snacks in.Potatoes chips and more.I am damm shock up.I thought they bringing in the whole
"mama shop".Laugh*.Ben,Dennis and Edwin also drank Beer.Woah.Later must carry them home.But that did not happen.It was my
After that Yvonne,me,Devon,Dennis and Edwin went to Mac at Bedok to chit-chat.Su Hui and Ben got to leave first.Then later on I saw BL Senior Jessica.I introduce her to the new BLs.We were at the Mac talking and playing.The stupid drawing face game made me so "cork up".I am stupid I admit.The last to guess out.Oh man!!BUANG!!Then played a few more Hell funny games too.It was damm fun!!Went home after that.Shall have more trip out with them sooner or later.Okay no more talking...

Whew!!Had a hard time posting the Pictures.I am hell tired!!I am not going to comment any pictures.You all want know why?
Because it belongs to my First class taking during the April Intake.Which is my PI0704L.Not going to make rude comments.I am "kind".Not like
Dennis and Edwin.So terrible.Making comments on the nice pictures "we" have taken.
That second hand of mine said the "Pictures" we took was "Horrrible".Can't blame.He wish take with "someone" else.Laugh!!
Don't stay up too late people!!Sleep well!!!