The D'story
Silly D crazy J-moments

Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Time: 4:21 PM

Back from Tampines.I am damm happy.My lenses are all done.I can rest for tomorrow trip out.Yay!!
Okay no more talking.Here is the picture of the new Wax I brought."Gatsby Rubber".
Tell you something.About the Gatsby Advertisement.I hate that guy spinning.It makes me feel like smacking him on his face.But my RETARDO said he is cute.No choice my RETARDO like.Can't smack*.Laugh**
Post again at night if there is new event.
The lenses that cost me over a hundred.6 pairs it is.

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Tomorrow trip.Meet at 1pm.At Tampines Interchange.I am going to take a rest people.