The D'story
Silly D crazy J-moments

Date: Saturday, June 16, 2007
Time: 4:36 PM

Here to blog again.Yesterday was fun.Went to catch a movie with my Pi0704L(Devon,Edwin,Ben,Dennis,Yvonne,Joyce,Gary,Su Hui) gang.Meeting them at 1.30pm.They were at the arcade.The movie starting at 1.30pm.Fantastic 4(Rise of the Sliver Surfer) was really nice to watch.I think that not bad.Those that have not watch it should go catch it soon.Worth it yeah.Found out yesterday that Audtion can be played on PSP!I was really over the moon.Because my house PC can't play.Stupid Vista.Manage to get the game via MSN yesterday.Got to thank Su Hui alot.The File size was actually 656890KB!She send it to me via MSN yesterday night.I only got the game at 3.30am!!She told me she was going to play Audition.I think by the time she was back the file had not send finish yet.It was kind of her to leave her MSN online for me to received the file.Thank YOU again Su Hui!!
Movie catching and crapping was done yesterday.My second hand(Devon) was there.He is having a BIG project going on.Not as in school work but life.A life skills project.You guys should know alright.
Okay I was not ready to talk much today.Gonna go play my Audition.It was just too fun for me to resist!!


Okay,talk a little bit more.Yesterday night chatted on the MSN with Edwin,Ben,Devon.lame Shit
Playing their GE and chatting.And Ben complained that lagging!!Then he go offline and chat with us.Had some photo taken yesterday.
Let me introduce you my Second Hand.(Devon Tan).Not gays.But buddies that clicks!!Not all photos were edited.Because no time yeah.SORRY!
Felicia Chin Feng Ling was HEll CUTE!!

Devon Tan it is.

My Group of PI0704L.Hei Sei Hui okay!!

Yvonne&ME!!Someone LOVE.Edwin?Kidding!!

Mr David,Miss Su Hui and Miss Yvonne.

Have your filled of fun this Holiday people!!

Something else to announce..
On the 29 June.Jenna will be organizing a Welcome and Farewell Steamboat gathering at Marina Bay.Hope all SICT Bridge leaders will turn up.

Meeting place:Marina MRT station
Time:6.00pm - 11.oopm
Date:29 June(Friday)
All SICT Bridge leaders are invited to come!!