Monday, June 18, 2007
11:25 PM
Today has made my contact lenses.It cost me a bloody sh** of $125.Woah expensive isn't it?Laugh*I paid a deposit of $100.
No choice.After that go to Watson.Wanted to buy a new hair dye.I saw a nice color which I don't know that my home still left a half bottle of it.I brought a pack of chocolates and the hair dye.It cost me 12 bucks plus.I was nearly broke!!I am so gone case.been spending a bomb here and there.Talked with christ on the way to take bus 27 which I was really happy.It has been long that I talk to her on the phone.later on shall continue.Just now earlier played volleyball with my bestie Kee Wei.Xinyi was there too.They were great.Transfer some games here and there.The match of Audition was great!!Had loads of fun!!Saw something on Kee Wei's handphone that makes me real flare up.Someone was actually acting pure.
Come on wake up idea man!!!Fat ass!!You this idiot f*****.I have already stop.So you better stop or else you watch out man!!back-stabber.Faker.Ungrateful creeps!!!!Erm okay back here.Sorry I was really angry man!!Jerky ass hole.Okay I am now more better.I shall forget it for now.If this happens again.I won't let this person off easily!!better watch out!
Okay no more scolding sorry people.

good night people.
Sweet dreams.Gonna celebrate
Ray's birthday this friday.I am damm Happy!!