Tuesday, May 08, 2007
10:09 PM
Yesterday the blogger got some problems.I was unable to update my blog.As for the update yesterday.
I had my CARE session with my PI0704L.I thought that all will be a success one.But I WAS WRONG.They let me down completely.I was really disappointed. :(
They were the senior batch.Yet they let me down completely.The ones that said they don't like the BLs was also another disappointment.I was wrong about you guys.I thought I will be able to have fun with you all for the last day and the last time that you all will see me in my BL shirt.But,you all still let me down.I will like to thank the 21 person that turn up for the CARE.Even through it was not a complete one,but hope you all have fun.
Thank you Ray!!For the ever nice comment you have given me on my friendster.And also on the last day of the April Orientation.After the end of the orientation,I didn't expect to receive a 'thank you' msg from you.But I was really touched on your small action of yours.Thanks for the support.
Wei Ting,Ian,Gary,Su Hui,Ray,Yvonne,Awall,Joyce,Devon,Brandon and so on.I will like to thank you all ever since the first day I know you all.I am glad to know a great bunch of great people.I am really glad!!I swear I never regret!!You all are the greatest PILs!!No more babies!!You all are all grown up!!Laugh*
After the CARE session I was out with some of the PILs.We went to the Tampines Mall.Woah!!Saw the great games.Then.we chatted at the nearby Food Junction.Fun and through all!!Chat again okay!!(Ian,Gary,Su Hui).
PS: Ian!!hurry!!ask for Su Hui hand!!I support you!!
PS:Wei Ting,Take care alot.You are sick.
I hope that you all can stay as bonded as possible.I know Wei Ting,ever since you know us the BLs.You been having lots of fustration and stress.Sorry. :)
The update for today====
I was at the Tampines Interchange at 8.15am today!I gotten the wrong timing for the day!!It was suppose to be at 9.30am.I was completely blur.Maybe is due to lack of sleep.Hope I slept well tonight.I having been spending money on lots of things.I have spend a bomb on the contact lenses.I spend around 35 bucks.And I also spend money on the magazine and stuffs.
Went to Tampines Malls with Jasmine,Lawrence and Cassie.After that Cassie went to meet her Mom.So she never shop with us.
Good news before I continue.
Our class test has been postpone to next Tuesday!!Yay!
More event coming up.Thursday,an outing with my bunch of gags gangs to the Bbox.Friday,outing with Christ and gang.Fun moments again.I hope that I really enjoy it.Today my entry will be rather short because I am rather tired.Sorry yeah.
Post the pictures I took earlier.One and only.UNiQUE!!

Goodnight people!!Be well!!