The D'story
Silly D crazy J-moments

Date: Sunday, April 22, 2007
Time: 5:40 PM
Screw Up can!!

I am here again.I am rather piss off easily this few days.I wonder why.

I am still considering if I should draw out from the Internship.I am so screw up!!

I am really tired too.Felt rather sleepy.Tomorrow have my PE lesson.One word to describe.BORING!

The teacher is not FUN at all.I rather attend my BLs than the PE lesson.How good if there is class taking these few more days.Laugh**

Oppps.Maybe I get use of class taking and I am really enjoying it alot.So I hope to see you guys around the campus and I go to go!!

Byeeee!!Take care people!!

Don't choke on your dinner later on!!!BleahXD!