The D'story
Silly D crazy J-moments

Date: Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Time: 12:57 PM

Day by day passess so fast!
This friday I am going to be enlisted!
LOL happy ah? HAHA okay lah!

Temporary cut off from the outside world.
But think inside more stress? HHAA
At least not so much of emotional or relationship
struggle! hehee

Well back topost a short one before I go
out because Henry loh! He said I keep
on never post! So listen to him
and rush home to post! HAHAHAHA ^^

Well Henry bro bro :)
Take care loads okay? hehe good luck for your
homework! Must jia you oh :)
<3 see ya soon partner*

Okay yesterday outing with Mao and cheryl was
majestic! HAHAs

Guys keep tagging! I will update
my tag on Thursday night* hehee

Today going off to do temple work and now rushing off le! Byeeee!!