The D'story
Silly D crazy J-moments

Date: Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Time: 12:01 PM
Music is in my soul

Wahlaos, Haohao never reply my message at all!
zzzzz what a rude boy. lol.
His phone is off somemore. Power right?
He said he's gotta message me de -.-

At least let us friends in Singapore know you
are safe what. What the hell lohh...

well he is coming back tomorrow!
Yipeeeeeee! lols
This few days I have not been blogging
here in my open blog. And somedays,
I am irritated by someone in my msn.
Always come say hi and then tell me
bo liao stuffs. You should know who.

Yesterday I had my job interview.
knn I failed. You know why? Because
I am going NS soon. How can??!!
But Yuan is gonna help me. This few days
I have been spending my time in Rohan with Yuan.
He's addicted to it. Even going out with me also
pester to go home -.- HAHAHA! 40 soon ;D

Oh ya, to my sisters,brother and fellow leaders
that is having exams tomorrow, must strive for the
best okayy? jia you!

This message is definitely not a love message.
I know my readers well man. Xiang Y Y...!
Bro yong, please please take care ehh.
Must look after your leg okayy? will worry de leh.
What if Po shang feng? lols. HAHAHA!! Now he's
asking me change blogskin so I shall go off now! ;D
Take care lah shit ;x