The D'story
Silly D crazy J-moments

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time: 3:11 PM
Hand Itch!

Hey I am here once again!
Wahhh one day can post so many time!
HAHA erm erm I have changed my blog skin AGAIN!

HAHAHAHAHA practically nothing to do man.
Rohan server is still down. bitch! heheeee
Quickly server up can! I am gonna screw you upside down :x
Haohao had a fight with his parents. I am gonna comfort be a big
brother and comfort comfort him luhhs. Shall not rub salt on his wound.
Poor thing.

Okay gotta go and do nothing le.
. . .

Friday they say L4D ;D
Hong yuan super high!
Stupid mee :x
Fuking funny! :P

People before you go!
Click on my link there.
see right hand side? HAHA I have just joined some blog compeition!
Do go vote for me yeah? thanks and much loves!

Hope you guys help promote my web worr.