The D'story
Silly D crazy J-moments

Date: Sunday, March 22, 2009
Time: 2:34 AM
Update again

Hello people! I just now played Lunia!
Super funn. Killed boss all these luh.
I am feeling bore again. Abit hungry :x
I am here to blog! Might not be a long one.
And later I might watch Ragnarok :D
Or maybe go Lunia again. Opps!!

Then I am so bored so I camwhore abit.
bleah! :P
Just now sky suddenly turn VERY orange!


After 5 mins.

This is ARTz! -.-

Look down and smile to look cool and retarded

lalalas~~bored and SMILE (:

Complete the pace and mark the brace (:

I think I better sleep soon because tomorrow meeting jiejie.
I missed how we used to talk last time ):