Tuesday, December 04, 2007
11:47 AM
Monday 3 Dec 07 (Briefly) , 4 Dec 07
Woke up in the morning. Preparing to go school at around 12 plus. Mao have already reached school. Cassie waited for me at the bus stop. I was late! So when I reached school, went in to find Mao along with cassie. he was over there dozing off. Did some revision. 2 plus Nani reached. we all begin our revision.
I forgotten my BINARY Calculation!! What the freak man!!! After so many months I have cleanly forgotten about it!! So did some revision on it. And Mao keep on suan-ing me. this is how it goes.
0011 . . . and goes on. . .
Around 3 plus, Nico came.
Me and cassie went to buy something to eat. Japanese Food. Yummy! I ate Salmon with Teriyaki. While cassie ate crabmeat set I think.
Nico drink coffee. Nani said she was on diet. Mao never eat anything.
Then Nigel came. Mao was showing off to him that I don't know BINARY Calculation. And they both ended up suan-ing me. But I never bother much as I am use to it.Take it as a joke and laugh over it. But still Nigel still gonna cut his hair. His hair is very long. Aspecially his fringe. But he gonna hide it, he said.
Su hui,Awal,Ed,Hui Zhen,Ian and Joyce were studying their stuffs on the other table.
Jesmond was buying chicken rice. kar was there too. Kar was fierce towards Jesmond. which is quite funny. and we talked awhile. They left for their food. Yee Ling came to me and asked me about Friday's meeting. I told her on detailed. Blah Blah Blah** and this goes on.
Then after the whole studying stuff, saw Ms Preethic, talked to her awhile. all went home left the
BBQ committee. Renny joined us after that.
all planned out. Renny went off to look for his friends as they were waiting for him. I drink two cups of Strawberry smoothie on that day. ate a bowl of
"You Mee". All cleared and went home.
Took bus 31 with Suhui and Nico. Nigel took bus 31 just outside the school gate as he went looking for his grandma after the meeting. I
PRESS Nigel's Sunburn area as he was screaming and yelling. He and Nico press me back. I was screaming due to itchness. Laugh*
reached tampines interchange, chat awhile at the bus 72 stand. many people coming in. so me and Su hui decided to go in and que. saying sayonara to nico. the bus came and we board the bus. Suhui was sharing something with me. I was shock yeah.
Talked alot on the bus. finally reached suhui's stop. bid
"byebye" to her. and I board the bus till Hougang Interchange. Took bus 161 home. Ate
"Ban Mian" at home.Mom took a new flavour kind of chocolate home.
It taste orange!! laugh***

online awhile chatted with Awal and feel kinda proud to have him as my BL member. Thanks for all the words you have said. disturb krys awhile on the MSN and she was telling me about the worm cookie. I was joking over it. she keep on saying I am a Idiot. fine I say her back too. and webcam with Clari. she took a snapshot of it?

Then ate my throat Medicine and went off to bed.
Counting sheeps...
4 Dec 07
Woke up around 11 plus. Gabriel message me. telling me about the commitee meeting on Friday. So I was there to confirm and stuff. blogging right now. thinking on what to write next. laugh** later gonna study for my D-comm. wish me luck this Friday.
God bless all.
okay gonna go and catch a bite now.I am hungry.
Bye peeps.